Image courtesy of Daniel Finnegan

Image courtesy of Daniel Finnegan

Image courtesy of Daniel Finnegan

video still.

video still.

video still.

video still.

Image courtesy of Daniel Finnegan

Image courtesy of Daniel Finnegan

A hole was made in the ceiling of the living room, giving access to an attic space that was previously inaccessible. A tent was pitched, mimicking the shape of the room and allowing the room to be inhabitable.
An existing hole in the back wall gave access to a neighbouring attic illuminated by festoon lighting. A monitor showed a video of the artist and collaborator, Andreas Kindler Von Knobloch exploring a vacant house on the same street, two houses along in the opposite direction. The artist is shown accessing the building via the roof gully of which the viewer is below.
The vacant house architecturally mimicked the house in which the viewer navigated through to get to the installation.

reviewed in billionjournal